Hanging out with Kaelyn and meeting baby Connor

Our 3rd Annual pumpkin patch visit and pumpkin carving
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
On Saturday Paul, Melissa, DD and I all went to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch. This is our 3rd year to take Melissa to this pumpkin patch. She was only 4 months old her first trip. This year she was having a blast. We didn't time this trip well. We waited to go the last weekend and it was a beautiful day so everyone was at the pumpkin patch. It didn't stop us from taking lots of pictures and Melissa running around having fun.
Melissa's DD came in this past weekend so it was her first trip to the pumpkin patch with us. Melissa even talked her DD in to buying her some pumpkins. She bought on for us to carve. Melissa also enjoyed helping us carve the pumpkin. As you can see had fun. Also she is giving you a sneak peak of her Halloween costume.
Melissa sleeping in a big girl bed
Thursday night Melissa made the move from a baby bed to her big girl bed. She help us take down her baby bed and she even kissed it goodbye. She helped us get her big girl bed all together. She could not wait to lay down on it. Melissa is going to use my old bed room furniture that I had as a little girl and it was also my moms when she was a little girl. The head board, foot board and the night stand are being refinished and we hope to have them back by December and then we will have the two dresser draws done. We found a nice man to do this for us. Once we get all of the pieces back and get her room all put together I will post pictures. Until then here are some pictures of Melissa in her baby bed for the last time and of her in the big girl bed.
The first night she slept great , when she woke up the next morning she was asking when can she take a nap. She was ready to go back to sleep in her bed. She is doing really well with the bed.
Enjoying the fall

Family News!
Paul, Melissa and I are happy to announce that we are going to have new family members. My sister Peyton is pregnant with twins! We are so excited for Peyton and bother in-law Alex. The babies are due April 6, 2010. Melissa is going to have two baby cousins to boss around and love on. My Great Aunt told my sister Peyton that Twins run in the family. We had never heard of this before.
Please say a prayer for Peyton and the babies. Peyton is 16 weeks and everything is looking great for the babies. The babies are called Baby A and Baby B. I want to go visit my sister but won’t get to see her until New Years!
Here are the sonogram pictures of the little ones
Happy Birthday Paul
Saturday, October 10, 2009
On Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Melissa and I had a little birthday party for Paul aka Daddy. Melissa and I made him a triple chocolate fudge cake on Monday and then Tuesday I did the finishing touch to the cake. I have been wanting to make the Great Pumpkin Cake for years, but just never got around to doing it. I found this cake on Kraft.com and thought this would be the best time to make it since its fall.
Melissa and I bought Paul a nice lab top backpack that he had been eyeing for some time. This will make traveling a lot easier. If you don't know Paul travels at least 2 weeks out of every month.
I made chicken enchiladas for dinner and they were a hit! Paul had a good night with us and Melissa loved singing and helping daddy open up his cards and gifts. Don't laugh at the cake when you see it on the video, but it did taste good.
Welcome Connor Baker
Congratulations to Mark, Lena and Kaelyn.
Remembering Jim Petty and Arturo Acebedo
Sorry it has been awhile since the last post. We have had some things going on, but I just haven’t been in the mood to blog. My two best friends lost their dads to cancer about two weeks a part. Linda’s dad lost his battle with leukemia after four years. Jim Petty fought a good fight for the past four years, but then the leukemia spread to his brain and there wasn’t anything the doctors could do for him. Jim passed away on September 17, 2009. Then on September 28, 2009 my other best friend Margarita called to tell me her dad had passed away with lung cancer. Arturo Acebedo fought his cancer for two years. I know that both men are up in heaven living a cancer free life. My heart goes out to my best friends. Please if you could keep the Petty and Acebedo family in your prayers.