Pictures of our nephew and niece

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Got word from my mom that my sister is doing well from the c-section and that River and Ecko are doing great as well. We thank God for taking care of them. Peyton is going home tonight but River and Ecko have to stay at the hospital. Not sure when they will get to come come.

Look at these precious pictures.

Proud Dad Alex

This is Baby Ecko Jude

DD holding Ecko Jude
DD holding Rver

Proud mommy holding River
The proud parents

Proud Great Grandmother (Mema)

River and Ecko

Ecko getting some food

Welcome our newest family members

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My sister Peyton and Brother in-law welcomed into the world their twins today. The babies are about 6 weeks early. Peyton went to the hospital last night because her blood pressure was up, the doctor wanted to keep her at the hospital over night to monitor her blood pressure. About 1:00pm today the doctor told Peyton and Alex that she had preeclampsia and that they need to deliver the babies today. So after a c-section Peyton and Alex finally got to meet their babies.
Peyton is doing well after the c-section.

River Isabella was born @ 7:16pm weighing in at 3lb 11oz, 16 1/2in long
Ecko Jude was born @ 7:17pm weighing in at 4lb 6oz, 18in long

Both River and Ecko are doing well and are breathing on their own. They are in NICU and hoping they don't have to stay in there long.
We also know that Peyton is not a carrier for CF so we don't have to worry about them having CF.
Paul, Melissa and I won't get to meet River and Ecko until May, it is going to be so hard not go visit before then. Melissa doesn't understand about her baby cousins. She knows that they are in Auntie Peyt's tummy, but she isn't going to understand when she sees pictures of them. Once I get pictures I will post them.

Melissa having stomach problems CFrelated

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed Melissa has had some stomach issues. As a CF caregiver one thing I have to do is make sure Melissa's BM is normal. If you don't have CF or don't take care of anyone with CF then this post might seem like to much TMI (To Much Info). Well one thing Paul and I noticed when Melissa was born she had a lot of greasy stool. As she has gotten older we have had noticed it every once an a while and also that she has a lot of gas. Since Melissa has been on enzymes she has only had to increase the amount she takes four times. The last time the doctor increased her enzymes was back in September 2009. That put her at 4 enzymes per meal and 2 enzymes for a snack. Two weeks ago when I noticed Melissa having trouble the doctor said to give her 5 enzymes per meal and 3 per snack. That didn't seem to help. Melissa was still having lots of gas and her stool was still greasy. This past Monday I called back and told the clinic and they said to give her 6 enzymes per meal and see if that helps. I have to say it is working!
I'm sure all of you with CF can relate to Melissa. I'm glad we could figure the problem out that nothing else was wrong.

Our Winter Wonderland 2/11/10 at

On February 11, 2010 we woke up to snow. The local weather said we would get about 2-3 inches of snow, but we got a lot more than that. I think we got around 6 inches, but DFW airport got over 12 inches. That is a lot of snow for North Texas. Melissa and I had a blast playing in it and then when Paul got home from Russia he helped us make another snowman.

DD comes for a visit

On February 5, 2010 DD came for a visit. It had been about 4 months since DD has been to see us. Melissa had a blast the her DD. Melissa and DD made Valentine cookies and just played. DD gave Melissa a Thomas the Train set and also a Mickey Mouse floor puzzle for Valentine's .

Can you tell what part of making cookies Melissa likes?

Melissa giving DD her Valentine's Day gift

Playing with her new train

DD laying with Melissa in her big girl bed.

Melissa saying the Pledge to the American Flag

One thing Melissa is learning in preschool is the Pledge Allegiance to Flag. It's fun to watch her learning new things at school. She is memorizing the Lord's prayer, bible verses. I thought I would share this video with you.

CF Investigational Drug VX-809 Shows Encouraging Results in Phase 2a Trial - CF Foundation

This is great news for Melissa and cystic fibrosis patients who have the Delta F508 gene mutation. Melissa has the Delta F508 gene. I just hope this new drug will come out before Melissa has any lung problems.
Thanks to all those who have helped raise money to find a cure.

Click on this link to read all about the drug.
CF Investigational Drug VX-809 Shows Encouraging Results in Phase 2a Trial - CF Foundation

Melissa's new bedroom

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Do you remember the post that was about Melissa moving to a big girl bed? Well I have an update and pictures of her bedroom. If you recall back in October Paul and I wanted to have my old bedroom furniture refinished. We got all the pieces back right before Christmas. Melissa still loves her bed and is doing a good job staying it at night.

Some of the pieces before

and After........

Our Christmas and New Year's

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. On Christmas Eve we made cookies for Santa and then a Birthday Cake for Jesus. Melissa had fun making the cookies. That evening we went to the Christmas Eve service at our Church. As we got ready to head to Church the weather was getting bad outside. After Church we came home and got ready for Santa to come. We sat out the cookies and milk and then Paul read the Christmas story to us. Melissa has a Fisher Prices Little People Nativity Set and she loved playing with it this year. She took well care of Baby Jesus. As we tucked Melissa in to bed on Christmas Eve we looked out the window to see if we could see Santa.

Christmas morning she woke up not early thank goodness. The first thing she said was did Santa come see me? She was so happy to see the fun gifts Santa had brought her. Paul and I had fun watching her opening up the gifts and just seeing her face light up every time she would open up a new gift. This year was really fun with Melissa and I know next year will even be better. We also woke up to 1 inch of snow on Christmas morning. That was nice to see, wish it were more. After opening up all the gifts Melissa thought it was time to head outside and play in the snow. She had a blast walking around looking at the snow and even making a small snowman. The rest of the day we just stayed home and enjoyed playing with Melissa.

The day after Christmas some of my cousins came into town so we got to hang out with them. Melissa loves getting all the attention because she is the youngest one

We packed our bags and head out to West Texas on December 30th to visit my family. We stayed at my moms (DD) house. On New Year's Day my sister Peyton and brother in-law Alex came over and we had our Christmas with them. Peyton and Alex are expecting twins around the first part of April. I can not wait to meet my nephew and niece. Melissa was confused about her baby cousins being in Auntie Peyt’s tummy.
Then later on that afternoon my grandmother Mema, step grandfather Bill and my mom’s friend Robby came over for dinner. We had a fun time visiting with everyone.

We had a nice holiday this past year and look forward to seeing what 2010 will bringing us. We hope you all have a wonderful 2010.