Melissa's 1st day of preschool

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Melissa started preschool today, I also started back to work part time at the preschool. The preschool is at our Church Christian Learning Center or as we call it CLC. I'm a teacher, but I'm called a floater. Since Melissa might have to be pulled out of school later on this winter with cold and flu season it was best for me to be a floater so they won't have to fill my position while I'm out with Melissa. We pray Melissa won't have to be pulled out because she will miss school. It will be important that we keep Melissa healthy. She can't afford to get sick.
Back to Melissa's first day at preschool. She did great getting up and ready to go. She was so excited to be going to school. Paul and I have been talking about her going to school. Melissa did well with me dropping her off at her class. Her teacher Mrs. Leslie, Mrs Ann and Mrs. Judy are all nice and you can tell they have a love for kids. Mrs. Leslie has three daughters and her youngest is 2 1/2. Mrs. Ann and Mrs. Judy are older women with grown kids. As I said goodbye to Melissa at the door she walked on in and found her friend Brooke. Brooke is in her Sunday School class so it was great to know she already had a friend. As you all know Melissa is like her mommy and can make friends fast.
I had give Melissa her enzymes before her snack time and she was having lots of fun. She thought I was there to pick her up and she wasn't ready to go. When it was time to pick her up at 2:00pm Mrs. Leslie said she was wonderful and loves to give hugs to all her new friends even when two of them took a nap. That meant Melissa didn't take a nap so she took one on the way home. Learning to sleep on a Nap Mate is going to take practice. Melissa was also a big girl and didn't have an accident in her panties.

As for my day it was busy. I helped out in the 4 year old class today. It was fun being with older. I'm looking forward to next week we go twice a week so it should be fun!

Check out the school girls pictures
Before walking out the door
Walking up to School
Not wanting mommy to take her picture
On the way home from school. No nap today so she was tired


Marc and Charity said...

She was tuckered out!!! :) How cute!

Kecia said...

We are so happy for Melissa!

A school girl!! YAY!!

We love her pink backpack!

God Bless you all... Aways!

Katey said...

She is soooo cute!!!

I'm glad the 1st day went so well!!!!

I'll be praying for a healthy winter, so she can remain in school!