Melissa Turns 3!

It's hard to believe Melissa is already 3! Her Birthday was on June 17, 2010 but with our move and all I haven't had time to post this. The morning of her Birthday was VBS so I took her to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. I did this last year with her and she loved it so I think this is what I or we will do every year on her Birthday. That night DD came in to help us move and watch Melissa for us. DD wanted to take Melissa some place special so we went to the Rain Forest Cafe. Melissa loves this place. The wait staff brought her a dessert and sang Happy Birthday to her. Melissa thought that was lots of fun. Paul was out of town on Melissa's Birthday so the weekend we move we had a little party for her. We wanted to do something for her Birthday, but just didn't have time with the move so about two weeks later we had a party at Chuck E. Cheese. She had about 8 friends come and they all had a blast. This isn't something we will do every year. We are so blessed that Melissa is healthy and that her CF is so mild. We count our blessing every day that God gave her to us. Melissa makes us laugh all the time even though she has her trouble three moments, she still has her loving and care side. I'm sad to she her grow up at times, but I can't wait to see what she will be like at four.

I took Melissa to have her three year pictures made and she had lots of fun this year taking pictures. I had a hard time picking out my favorite.

It's A Girl!

Monday, July 19, 2010

I had my 20 week appointment last Monday and the doctor confirmed we are having another GIRL! We are excited that about having another girl. Melissa is already looking forward to her baby sister. She will tell you she wants a baby brother because most of her friends have new baby brothers. It will be fun to see them grow up and I hope they will be best friends.
Baby Peanut is grow and she looks great. I really can feel her moving these days.

I'm past the half way point and can't believe I'm at 5 months. I guess we can now start getting the nursery ready.

Here is a picture of me that Paul took two weeks ago. I know I look big, but I really haven't gained a lot of weight. I just have a baby belly.

Melissa swim lessons summer 2010

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Since Melissa loves to be in the swimming pool we thought we better get her in swim lessons. Our friends told us about a lady who teaches swim lessons at her house. They said their son learned a lot in one week. So Paul and I signed Melissa up and she loved it. We didn't get to stay and watch her everyday, but the last day the parents got to watch what the kids had learned and wow Melissa did great.

Melissa swallows her pancreatic enzymes all by herself

Thursday, July 8, 2010

As you all know Melissa has been taking her pancreatic enzymes since she was 3 weeks old with applesause. Last weekend she had a milestone. She started swallowing her pills whole with out the help of applesause. We forgot to grab the applesause as we walked out the door so when we ate lunch I asked Melissa "do you think you could swallow our enzymes with applesause?" She said " yes mommy I will let me show you" What do you know she did with out any problems. She has been taking them ever since last weekend all by herself. I can't tell you how happy I am that I don't have to carry around applesause anymore.

We have moved in to our new house

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
On June 19th the movers showed up at our door and packed up our apartment and moved us in to our new house. We have been married for 8 years and our dream was to have our own home. Thanks to God it happened. We have been blessed to have nice apartments with a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep in at night. It is just different when you have your own home. It has been fun watching our house being built. My mom came in that weekend to help us out and to babysit Melissa. She was a big help and I could not have done it with out her. Thank you mom for your help. Thanks to my friend Terria for coming over before the move and helping me pack up the kitchen. The movers came at 7:30 a.m. and had us unload at the new place at 10:00 a.m. Paul and I stood in the house and could not believe we could call this place home. We can raise our kids here and make lots of wonderful family memories. Melissa did great with the move she was happy to be out of the apartment. She has lots of space to play and run around. She is loving her back yard as she tells us. The night of the move our wonderful friends Robert and Lisa who are now 10 minutes away from us brought us dinner. They brought us food from Babes. Oh my goodness that was great food. Thanks Robert and Lisa for thinking of us. Paul and I still had the apartment on the our minds we still had stuff over there. We had till June 30th to get everything out and clean the place up. I just wanted it to be done with that place. We turned our keys in on June 26th and that is when it really hit me no more load neighbors upstairs, no more apartment life. It felt so good to turn the keys in.