First night with potty training and Second full day of potty training

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Melissa did not do to well with the nighttime potty training, but I didn’t expect it to go well the first night. After she had been down for about an hour I went and had her go pee pee, but she had already gone in the bed. I was supposed to go in an hour before she normally wakes up, but I over slept. I guess I will be setting the alarm tonight.

The day started out with about 3 accidents I was thinking oh here we go again, but she was getting it. She was having small accidents, but by the time we got to the potty she really needed to go. Melissa was catching on. She did pee in her bed at naptime. I’m hoping as she gets the potty training down that she won’t have any more accidents during naptime. After her nap she stayed dry for about 2 hours before going potty. I guess three accidents are better than the 12 from yesterday. Melissa did go pee pee in the potty 7 times today and the last two times she told me Mommy go pee pee and sure enough she had to go. She didn’t even get her panties wet. Wow was I shocked how she had already caught on. She also went poop in the potty again today. Catching her go poop is easier for me than going pee pee. Like I said last night I know her signs when she needs to poop.
I know not to get my hopes up to high, but the 3-day potty training did say that by the end of the second night you would see some headway. I look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings. I will update with the nighttime and what goes on tomorrow.


Amy E. said...

YAY!!! Good job Melissa AND Mommy!!
Sounds like its going well and with this focused attention there is sucess.

Kecia said...

Go Melissa!


Lil' Chris' Mom said...

Wow! YEA Melissa!! Great Job!! Way to go Mom!!

Thanks for doing these updates everyday. I think I might wait and see if it works for you, then I'll try it;-) LOL
PS. You aren't using training diapers??