Paul is still waiting to hear back from the company he interviewed with on Wednesday. He also has a job interview with AT & T on Monday @ 1:00. Keep praying for the right job to open up.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Job Update #3
Swining at the Park
Friday, February 29, 2008
Play Date
I took Melissa over for a play date, OK it was more for me. My friend Stephanie and I worked together before I stayed home with Melissa. Her daughter is 19 months old. Melissa wasn't to happy with Haven taking away toys from her. She cried almost the whole time we where there. Melissa is use to playing by herself. I guess I need to get her around other kids.
I've been Tagged!
Okay I have been "Tagged" by that means I have to post 7 Random things about myself.
1) I started wearing glasses when I was six years old! Yes, I had the big coke bottle glasses! I really want to have eye surgery. I hate getting up in the middle of the night looking for my glasses.
2) I started playing tennis in 7th grade and stopped playing in the 11th grade. I love tennis and want to start taking it up again. I bet I would have to start all over!
3) My first real job besides babysitting was working at Dairy Queen age 16. I was so good at making Chocolate Dipped cones that my boss sent me to a contest. I came in third!
4) I bought my first car buy saving my Dairy Queen checks. OK I only saved $1,000 and my grandparents helped with the rest of the down payment. I kept my 1993 ford Mustang till August 2007.
5) Speaking of my 2 door Ford Mustang, I packed it up on October 19, 1997 and moved to Dallas. I was 19 at the time. I really didn’t know what I was doing. My Great Aunt let me rent a room from her. I lived with her for four years. I finally moved out and got my own Apartment and then six months later I was getting married. I have only lived by myself for 6 months.
6) When I worked for Southwest Airlines I was at a party and a famous person was there. She was picking people to dance with her. She pulled me out of the crowd and I had to dance in front of my co-workers. She taught me the "Cuchi-Cuchi" she also appeared on "The Love Boat". Do you know whom I’m talking about? It’s Charo! I have a picture of me dancing with her, but I have it packed some place. I will have to find it and scan it and posted it on the blog.
7) My sweet husband proposed to me on top of Heavenly Mountain at Lake Tahoe.
So now I need to TAG Lena, Margarita, Tina
Like the new look?
Thanks to the super fun people over at for giving our blog a makeover!
I can pull myself up!
Check out the video of me pulling myself up! I can also hold onto the couch and walk from one end to the other. I think it's fun pulling up, I think I'm a big girl!
I'm cool!
Check out my new sun glasses! Mommy and Daddy bought them at Target. I can keep my eyes protected from the sun when we go to the park for walks.
Free blog makeovers
"The super fun people over at are giving away 5 free blog makeovers - go visit them!"
If your happy and you know it......
Clap your hands! Check out Melissa, the other day I was just singing this song and turned around and Melissa was clapping her hands. I just had to share this with you.
Job Update #2
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Paul's 2nd interview with the accounting firm went well yesterday, but they didn't feel like he was a good fit for there firm. So please keep praying for Paul and us. We know that God has something for us!
Great Stride Walk
Hello Family and Friends,
Can you believe it's already 2008? It's that time again for the Great Stride walk benefiting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Paul, Melissa and I are walking again in the Great Stride Walk on May 17, 2008. I hope we can count on you this year by making a donation. We would also love for you to join our team and walk with us.
Please see the following link to my Great Stride Website
Thanks in advance for your donation,
8 Months old!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Melissa turned 8 months old today! She has been very busy this last month. Let see she got her first tooth; can go from her tummy to sitting up on her own. We have also noticed she is trying to pull her self up. Melissa doesn’t want to crawl on her hands and knees, but still crawling around on her elbows and tummy. Melissa doesn’t miss a beat; she is so alert and as I say nosey!
Happy 8 months Melissa! We look forward to seeing what you accomplish this month.
Job Update
Friday, February 15, 2008
We have been getting calls and e-mails about how Paul’s job search was going. First we would like to thank you for the support and prayers.
Paul had an interview with an Accounting Firm on Wednesday. They called him back for a 2nd interview for next Wednesday to meet with the partners of the firm. He also had another interview today with a different company. We will wait and see about that one. We are just happy he is getting interviews. We will keep you posted!
Pictures from Valentine's Day
Friday, February 15, 2008
I had a good day yesterday! Mommy and Daddy loved on me and I got lots of mail. I received lots of Valentine's Day cards from family. I hope you had good Valentine's Day.

I have a tooth!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I have my first tooth! Mom could feel it, but couldn't see it, Every morning she will feel around my mouth for a tooth. This morning she could feel it and can see it.
Prayer Request
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Hello bloggers,
We wanted to let you all know that Paul was laid off from his job today (2/5/08). Please keep us in your prayers that Paul will find a job ASAP. We are fortunate that the company did give him a month paid severance.
Paul and Traci
Bye Bye Swing, Hello Jumperoo
I have a favorite new toy, it's the Jumperoo. My friend Kaelyn let me borrow it since she out grow it. Thank you Kaelyn, I love it! Check out my video!